Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Few more pills...

I'm basically putting this picture in from my birthday party at the gym to encourage me to keep on taking the antibiotic pills that so disagree with me. The baloons and cake were provided by Karen W. And we all enjoyed it. I can't say that I did much gym work, but it was so much fun to be back! That evening I found myself at the emergency room, which leads me to think one should be sure to have fun when the opportunity presents itself. I think I have now exhausted the lucky double seven pictures.

I have two more days of these horrid pills and then hopefully I will begin to feel a bit better.

Does anyone have a picture of the "take-off" of Jim and Fred on their motorcycle road trip? Send it to me by e-mail and I will post it on this blog. They are going cross country to Alaska on their Harleys! They are not computer savy, so we cannot hope for an e-mail from them, but whoever hears from them, please let me know how it's going. I was going to go to their send-off but wasn't able to as I was busy taking pills. Sigh.

Take care.


Anonymous said...

You are such an obedient one! All we have to do is ask for a blog and viola!

Sorry to hear you still are taking those pills that are supposed to make you better but disagree with you in the taking. When you are feeling up to it you can come to the gym simply to hold the others to account!

What a beautiful rainy day. I am hoping to get a little house work done.

Hi Fran a.k.a. Anonymous!

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen. Isn't that a too cute picture of Vicki. She has two more days of those anti-biotics and I am counting the time --just in supportof misery.
We had good hard rain today ,too. It is badly needed just to clean the buildings downtown. Fran.