Thursday, June 14, 2007


Okay. Admit it. Some of us LOVE rhubarb in stuff in the spring. Rhubarb strawberry preserves or pie, rhubarb cobbler, rhubarb pie covered with glorious meringue.... Great. There's something about this fantastically sour stuff that combined with other stuff makes everything fabulously tasty. I have actually seen people eat a sour rhubarb stalk by itself with gusto. I will not go that far, but I am extremely fond of all the sauces, etc. It's hard now because of my diabetes and the fantastic amounts of sugar that all of this tasty stuff requires. I wonder how the sweeteners work? Any ideas?

This fantastic work of art was perpetrated by Karen L and her husband Jeff. She started in and then he got fascinated by the project and did a lot of the heavy and detailed work. As I understand it they made a mound of sand, applied a rhubarb leaf, poured on cement and let it dry. Then the tricky part which I do not understand and ta-da! The finished product. Hats Off! It is going to be a GORGEOUS bird bath. I am blown away by the beauty of it.

Have a beautiful day! Take care.


Anonymous said...

Wow, the leaf birdbath looks great on your blog!

Do they get a peak at those darling suckers from Colleen??? How can you eat anything so pretty???

Is Naomi still pampering you??
She is such a good daugher!

Anonymous said...

That rhubard leaf looks like fine procelain. Beautiful. Creativity is rampant. Love it. Fran

Anonymous said...

Oops. I didn't catch that bard of rhubarb, Fran.

Anonymous said...

Well, Jeffrey and I were so excited to see that we had made the blog! Today after the rain we saw that it actually holds water-so apparently there are no holes!