Friday, June 15, 2007


Karen W. suggested I give you a peek at the darling tulips that Colleen gave me. Karen delivered them for Colleen so I haven't had a chance to quiz her on the way they are made. I can, from personal experience, tell you that they taste great! There were originally six!
This is how I imagine them being made. Colleen is being visited by her granddaughter and this is a great entertaining way to occupy children. I think you would get white chocolate (the kind you can buy to make almond bark) and tint it with food coloring. Then get the molds that you can buy at craft stores and long sucker sticks. Voila! Fill the molds, attach the sticks, let them harden and you have a darling flower. In the jar is colored rice in a beautiful shade of green. What a wonderful project! And yummy, too. What more can be asked?
I am making a profession out of taking antibiotics that basically disagree with me. I am working hard to get the whole ten days of this medication taken along with all the myriad other medication necessary to my continued well-being. Each hour I chow down a pill, I eat a bit and hope I won't be nauseated. etc., etc. I have finished six days now, so I am into the home stretch. Wahoo. One of the tulips was nibbled on yesterday to mask the bitter taste of a pill. I will try to keep the others intact but I don't know, chocolate is chocolate and has a seductive pull. Yum.
Take care.


Anonymous said...

Your blogs are very interessting in spite of you're being ill at times. You sound a little hesitant on the phone but keep truckin'. Love, Fran I think the tulips are great.

Anonymous said...

I don't think my comment got posted. And I don't want to write it again, but will watch for it. Carol

Anonymous said...

OK I get it, I didn't check 'anonymous', so now I HAVE to write it again. Groan. I want to know about the rhubarb bird bath - if the leaf was put on sand, how did it retain its shape to be a bird bath if you poured cement on it?? Is the color the color of the leaf??? I would love to make one. Is it a secret recipe? I hope not.
The tulips are darling too.
What a creative bunch of people!

Anonymous said...

Karen L brought the directions down to It Figures this morning, so if anyone would like to stop in, I would be glad to make you a copy! I can't wait to see this bird bath in person.

bananafish said...

I had such a blast visiting, Mom, thanks for such a nice time. Love you, Nay

Anonymous said...

S T O P !!!! I am sure you would LOVE to give any one the recipe for the bird bath should they either exercise or hula hoop for it!!!

Do you approve of how did I worded that Vicki? We were discussing sometime ago how I have this way of wording things in an attacking way when I really don't mean it that way.

SURE IS quiet at the gym. . . . . Yep. . . . Awfully quiet. . . .

Anonymous said...

DID should be deleted from there. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

AT second glance though it is kind of funny. Makes me sound like a hillbilly!!

Anonymous said...

OK.....There was a large mound of wet sand covered with plastic that supported the leaf. The sand was the mold for the shape. the concrete was slathered onto the leaf, covered with more plastic and left to cure for 48 hours. After that we started the process of removing the leaf and letting it cure for another week. The color was attained by watering down acrylic craft paint and brushing it on in several layers of green. Then a pink color was diluted and brushed into the veins and then dabbed all over the rest of the leaf and blotted off. After that 2 layers of concrete sealer were applied. There you have it in a nutshell. A hardcopy of the directions are at "it figures". Barb said she would be happy to make copies for anyone.

Anonymous said...

p.s. the leaf is turned over on the sand so that the bottom of the leaf is facing the sky..that way the veins of the leaf can be cast into the wet cement. Sorry for leaving that out.

Karen W. I like that hillbilly talk!

Anonymous said...

But why is the sand covered in plastic?

Anonymous said...

How come it is now June 17 and the owner of this blog hasn't written for two days? I'm really getting into it. I hope you are ok.