Wednesday, June 06, 2007

small things

You will have noticed that the pictures of paintings included in my blog lately are rather crooked and not nice and neat. The reason is that I have not yet figured out how to use the cropping tools in my new computer stuff. Woe's me.

Think of the small things and how important they can be. I just noticed lately that some manufacturers of clothing are including a printed label right on the fabric at the top inside back of a shirt. Several advantages to this can be mentioned. One is that you won't ever have that embarrassing label standing back up into your hairdo that the lady in church reaches over and tucks in. I imagine it also saves the manufacturer lots of money once it is set up to operate. A small change we all appreciate.

The tiny improvements often have the most impact on us. Just think of safety pins, velcro, paper clips, ziplock bags, the list is long. And those small things which have become antiques like bobby pins and hair pins. Does anyone use those anymore? Whaddyathink?

Take care.


Anonymous said...

Bobby pins??? You would love to have a closer look at my hair!! I sing praise to the Lord for clippies and bobby pins!! Throw it up and anchor it down!!

Printed tags. Ah there's an improved product. The thing I like about them is you don't have anything to irritate a person by incessantly scratching your skin.

I thought it was funny how you mentioned the crooked pictures so graciously!! You are a doll!

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite things is liquad paper. I can't be without it! I even used it in the handicap room at the motel. Someone's wheelchair really marked up the porclein (sp) on the toilet. You could see it from quite a I liquad papered it!

Anonymous said...

I wish I knew what liquad paper is.... Barby . That sounds good. I do use bobby pins every now and then. I wish I had saved all the apparatus I used to curl my straight hair and now straight hair seems to be in style. Go figure. Fran.

Izzy said...

i really dig doing my banking online. i realize that is not something like velcro, pins, whathaveyou...but yeah. the longer lasting, energy saving lightbulb is pretty cool. i like things that help reduce waste...greener products.

Anonymous said...

Well I finally got the recent posts, but I don't know how I did it so will probably have the same problem tomorrow again.
Coffee - I'm way behind I know - in Madagascar when somebody died we always had an all-night wake - well, Carl and I didn't stay the night but the relatives did - and it was accompanied by the wonderful aroma of coffee beans being roasted on an open fire on a huge metal flat pan - I think it was maybe the lids of those metal drums we always packed in from the US. Also in the background would be the hammering and sawing of the coffin being made.
I roasted our own coffee there, just bought it from the farmers and put it in a cast-iron skillet on the stove, and stood there and stirred and stirred so it would roast evenly. Then I had a homemade filter - a wire formed into a hoop with a handle and some cheesecloth sewn on. Ah yes, you bring back memories for me, Vicki!
Good to be with you yesterday, and have a happy birthday tomorrow - I hope it will be one of your good days - love, Carol

bananafish said...

I like my electric teakettle that heats my water fast for my french press coffee maker, I can have coffee in about 5 minutes or so. I like the tagless shirts too. Running water all day and constant electricity are pretty nice as well. Although I miss having morning chai at 10:30 every morning. It's also nice to have places like Goodwill and Salvation Army to drop off things you can't use anymore but aren't ready to be thrown out.

Anonymous said...

Carol, I am so glad you commented on the Madagascar experience!! It is so fun to hear of experiences from all over.

Seems you have found another conversation piece Vicki. Things that make life better!

Yeah, what is liquad paper? HAHAHA

Anonymous said...

Okay. Liquid paper us white goop that comes in a little bottle with a tiny brush. I think so, anyway. I remember staying up late at night in college with a flashlight tucked in my neck because it was after "lights-out" in the dorm. I wrote seven term papers in a week of nights. But I had discovered "corrassable bond" paper. I'm not sure of the spelling, but it was a God send. One could erase an error without leaving a trace. Before that you would always leave a mess. Think how easy it is now to make corrections with our computer changeability. fantastic. I do love some of the progress we have made. Some of the changes just make me nervous!