Sunday, June 25, 2006


That seems to be a good title for this piece of equipment. THINGAMAJIG. It stores paintings and large sheets of watercolor paper. I am already at work in the art room, cleaning and arranging. Last night I got down to it and was cutting a painting to frame it. The frame already had a painting in it that I was sick of, so I was using a single edged razorblade to remove the paper from the back of the frame to get the old painting out, when the razor blade slipped and I sliced my left index finger. At first I thought it was just a knick but then it turned into a small slice and bled like crazy. Four bandaids later, I finally got it to stop bleeding and this morning I removed the plethora of bandaids and was able to replace four with one only. It's amazing how sharp these small instruments can be. Today, I am no worse for wear, however, which is good news.

I remember an occasion when I was cutting fabric with one of the rolling blades. I cut off the tip of a finger with that blade and had to go to get a stitch to stop the bleeding. Hmm. Perhaps I should stick to using an exacto knife and forget these other razor type instruments. On the other hand, live dangerously. That is obviously my motto. The saga continues.

It is very quiet around here today. Just the two old folks. No very busy son and peripatetic grandson. The evidence of their visit is all around us and cheers us on our way, but we miss their actual physical presence. Hope their trip is going well.


Anonymous said...

Cool stuff mom! Can't wait to see it all! Why are your pics so dark? Love ya,

Vicki Larson said...

I'm standing too far away from my subjects! That's why they're too dark. The flash only reaches 10 feet or so, but to get the whole deal I have to stand farther back. I have to hang my head.

Izzy said...

i like the whatchamacallit...oh yeah, thingamajig. now you need to fill it up with art!

about the have to go to the end of her post. there should be a thing that says comments right after a picture of her with a statue of a lion. she would love a comment!
