Saturday, June 17, 2006

More rain

We've had a bit of rain every day this last week. Nothing punishing, just something nourishing. John and Matthew and I went to the movies last night. They went to XMan three and I went to the Prairie Home Companion. George isn't feeling so great, so he stayed home. I liked the movie. It is a very strange conglomeration of stuff, just as is the radio show. But having Garrison Keiller (sp?) on film is a wonderful service to the world. The rest of the cast is great, but we have most of them already recorded for us. GK is new to celluloid, I believe, and is a great addition. (Celluloid: now there's an old idea!) I will have to get the DVD when it comes out so I can savor his singing.

We are having a silent auction down at the Art Center. Some great stuff including an original painting of mine. We are trying to raise money for aircondioning and furnace. We'll see how it goes. It is like pulling teeth to get people to come to things. Why? Anyone got an idea? It is rather discouraging to see the lack of foresight sometimes. Even avarice doesn't seem to do the trick. We'll see. I will try to keep my hopes up.

The cabinets are coming right along. They are so great. I love the color. I always forget how much the colors around me affect my mood.

Take care and have a great day!

1 comment:

Izzy said...

it's the rainy season here. so, it seems to rain just about everyday. i wish there english movies to go to at the theater to help make the rainy days pass. actually, sometimes there are....i saw the da vinci code (disappointed) there.

here's hoping for big bidders at the auction.