Thursday, June 15, 2006

Rainy Day

It isn't pouring rain. It is drip-dropping rain. Perfect for the garden, but rather dampening to the spirits. Neither fish nor fowl. (Now there is an odd expression.) So it is hard to plan our day. The painting and fixing of the cabinets will still be possible, but other "play" type stuff outside will not. Or Golf. It is giving such a poor imitation of a real rain that it might cease and desist any moment. Then life will be easier for both the 82 year old and the 4 year old. And if life is easier for them, it's easier for all of us.

George has caught a cold, worse luck. Right now when we have all the great company. Bummer. Hopefully it will not be a debilitating illness and he will still be able to golf and do other stuff. Stay tuned!

I went to a meeting last night up at Art of the Lakes in Battle Lake. My friend Carol and I drove up together. It was fun and we saw some art brought by people for critique. We hadn't realized that was part of the deal so didn't bring anything, but those who knew brought some pottery, some wooden objects and some colored pencil art. All were awesome, in my estimation. Then we spent the time learning to etch using plexiglass. My attempt was a total failure, but Nadine Peters had wonderful success, even with her first attempt. Right on, Nadine. It is always fun to get together and meet with art friends. The event was an outreach by the New York Mills group. Our (AOTL) regular meeting will be next Tuesday night at 7.

Tonight is guest night at our church ladies group. Missionaries from Tanzania will be there. It is the first time I have met our missionaries, and to hear them tell us about it will be a special treat for me as our daughter and her husband are hoping to go to Tanzania in October to spend four months teaching at a girls' school. I will get a glimpse of the place ahead of time. Great.

Take care and have a great day. Hi ho to Izzy and Ashlee, Fran and Bud and Elaine, and any one else who wanders onto this page. by for now.

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