Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Happiness is.....

I am so excited. I got 2 big boxes from Fed Ex or UPS or one of those guys. It was the new art supplies that I ordered after the workshop. Wow. 2 new kinds of paper of just the right sort. A snazzy new brush that should make all the difference in my painting! (right) and some new paints. I let myself get talked into getting Yarka Russian water color paints. We'll see now if it does any good at all in how my paintings turn out. Stay tuned.

But we don't go far from our childhood exultation at getting something new. Who can forget the thrill of new shoes? And the agony of having to wear them on the carpet for a bit to see if they fit. If they didn't fit, the carpet would leave the soles in good shape so that they could be returned. I couldn't seem to get the idea that if they didn't fit, I could go on looking until I DID find a pair that fit. That returning them didn't mean that I would have no new shoes at all. I sometimes lied and said they were fine when they actually weren't. I had to pay the piper later with sore toes. But new art supplies is just PURE joy. Yeah. Pure joy.

Now I'll have to do some painting. Maybe tonight. Maybe.

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