Thursday, January 25, 2007


Well. All is progressing. My computer guy/angel mentioned that I could probably use the second drive (which I thought was just for DVDs) as a CD drive and wahoo! It proved to be true. I have stuff back. I am weeding it out so I get it back to a more reasonable amount of pictures, but my computer is beginning to feel more like home.

Went to the gym this morning. Always a fun way to catch up with local news. Now to a few more projects in the basement. Why is the term "basement" so depressing? It gives me slight shudder even to mention the words, although our "basement" is finished and just fine. I think it brings to mind the old time cellars which were dark and dank and unfinished. Cobwebs with the concommitent spiders leap to mind. Throw in a few mice, and there you go... perfect Halloween fare.

OK. Let's get back to reality. I will go down to my well-lit studio and work on my projects. I hope to manage to include a few pictures by the next posting, so that will be more fun. I like a blog with a picture or two! Have a good one.


Anonymous said...

So glad you have your computer up and running!! It is as much a treat to check your blog as to see you at the gym.

I am deep in year end stuff at the office and a headache to boot! No wonder when I get home at night I crash!!!!

The roast is in the crock pot so Praise the Lord for that!

Izzy said...

can you give any sort of hints as to what you are working on in the studio? what kind of art do you usually make? do you ever do portraits? have you ever dabbled in other mediums?

pictures are good because then you don't have to write a thousand words.
