Monday, January 08, 2007

home again, .....

home again, hippity hop. Should be back in the gym on the 15th if all goes according to plan.

No progress on the hula hoop front and hardly any exercise, so I am looking forward to getting back to you guys. You will have to get after me to be really on the hoop when I get back!

It is rainy and kinda cold here today after a series of days in the 70's. Just as we had amazingly good weather in MINN, so they have had here. Golf and walks and just nice stuff going on.

We have a fire place so I have been able to indulge myself in my favorite evening thing... sitting in the rocker in front of the fire while watching TV. The football games have been pretty much non-stop, although I also manage to watch lots of HGTV, too, to store up for the time when I am not near a cable TV set. Remember when I came back from California TV, and I updated my wardrobe so you gals wouldn't "out" me as the world's worse dresser? Now I have been watching house remodelers, so don't let me near a crow-bar. I'm fired up!

I decided that today was my day to cook. The family assented to my decision, so I am trying again to make that chocolate desert, and I am roasting a beef roast in the crockpot. We'll see how it all turns out. I am GREATLY outshined in the cook department by both Beth and John. They both love to cook and are very good at it. They try exotic recipes and we are the ones to benefit from their expertise. Matthew is at school. Leaves and returns on the bus while we are here. When we are gone, he will go early and late to his youth group. They are a busy family!

Take care and I am looking forward to seeing you in a week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

be sure to give me an update on the dessert. Fran