Thursday, July 26, 2007

From Scratch

Today at the gym! I was taken aback by the remarks of a lady that she couldn't find Texas Toast for sale in the grocery stores. I had no idea you could actually BUY Texas Toast as such. Why not buy uncut bread, cut it thick and make your own? The idea was met with amazement by the others in the gym.
Evidently I lived too long in Brazil... or I'm just too old. The idea of making something simple from scratch is such a novel idea! Not. I still make almost all the food we eat from the real thing. I make my own spaghetti sauce with venison, tomatoes from the garden, etc., etc.. and we eat simple basic natural stuff.
I feel pretty wild when I buy the rotisseried chickens and manage to get three meals or more from them. Soup, cream chicken on biscuits, sandwiches, etc. Is it because I was raised during the hard years just after the depression or because I lived in Brazil where everything was bought in its natural state from guys in wagons riding around hawking their wares? The "super market" cut its sliced bread with a machine that had one saw missing so there was always one slice ready to be Texas Toast! The trouble was I didn't know what Texas Toast was at that time. I do love it now when I eat out, though.
I really love making stuff from scratch. With all the cooking shows on TV, I thought maybe everyone else liked it too. Who knew? What say you?
Take care.


Anonymous said...

Say's me. . . you can't beat "Scratch" food! I can buy cookies at Pete's but my family loves them out of the oven. Chris was just asking for pie and a few other things I used to make when I had time.

I think that is the idea behind buying it already made is to save time so we can talk smart with our friends at the gym while we are trying to work all those calories off!

I always marvel at the Bible stories of when they slaughtered the animals to eat. No wonder they were skinny people!

Anonymous said...

I havae no idea what Texas toast is. I know French toast but not Texas toast. How many carbs? Fran.

Anonymous said...

Texas Toast is the toast we get with steak sometimes at restaurants. It is 1" thick square white bread grilled with butter and garlic. Yummy. Golden brown and succulently flavorful and filled with great trans fats and calories, to say nothing about carbs. Why are the truly fabulous foods bad for us? Why? Why?

Anonymous said...

This explanatiion explains Texas toast. I always called it just garlic toast. Made it when we had spaghetti and meatballs. Why would that be called Texas toast.? Fran.

Anonymous said...

Because it is big-big like the state of Texas is. That's my story and I am sticking to my story.

I do marvel at the ingenuity of people who were raised during the depression of just shortly afterwards.

My parent's were born during the depression so I have been able to see is in their own upbringing.

Oh Vicki.....I wish I could use the wonderful words that seems to flow from your mouth to your fingers.

bananafish said...

I like the idea of making things from scratch, but baking things from scratch means copious amounts of pans and dishes and it never seems to turn out that great.

I do like cooking from scratch-especially breakfast concoctions.

Anonymous said...

Naomi, I can attest to your breakfast cooking. . . . Wonderful!!!! I got to try the Chili Eggbake that Vicki posted on her blog one day when I stopped in and Naomi was there and had made the Eggbake.

Karen L I agree with your Texas Toast theory, so I will stick with your story too if you don't mind.

Bonvoyage Vicki, Have a great time in Chicago and take Tylenol. Those people LOVE to HONK at anything and everything!!!!!

We will miss you at the gym although I am sure I will get a much harder workout when I actually go.

Unknown said...

They make whole loaves of bread? How do they get the slices back together?