Monday, July 02, 2007

Another mystery

Ok doakee. I wrote a whole blog and somehow it disappeared before I could publish it. So here goes once again. This is a picture of George's ingenious solution to sprinkling the garden. He gave it a good soaking last evening. Of course, we had a nice soaking rain this early morning! Some sort of law? whatever.

I am missing my cohorts at the gym and hope to get back soon. Today I go to the doctor to find out the news about the state of my carcass. On Thursday I have book club in the morning and a visit from Cherie, Sarah and Ben in the afternoon. Cherie is the widow of George's nephew Peter, and Sarah and Ben are his great nephews. Those of you who have been reading this blog for a long time might recall the quilts I made of Peter's shirts for these two kids. (You can check it out on the blog for 6/5/06) I am so excited to have finally had those quilts delivered to Cherie by Fred and Chad, George's nephews who visited last week. If you are still following along, I know you are completely confused. Deal with it!

By now you realise that I really need to get out more! I will try. Hope to see you soon!

Take care.


Anonymous said...

The rain early this morning was so peaceful!

I hope your carcass inspection goes well-I am sure you will be stamped "Grade A-Prime".

Well, off to town-the gym is beckoning as my own carcass needs some work-to much marbling going on here.

Anonymous said...

"Carcass"? Now for some reason that sounds quite morbid to me. I envision vultures circling overhead! Vicki, sounds to me like you are starting to need a cattle prod! Just a wee jab to get you going. Let's see what can we talk about that would "push your buttons"?

I will think about that and get back to you but for now my better half would like me to bring him lunch at the office.

Anonymous said...

So gald to see your blog. I haven't had one since last Wednesday! I too went to the doc for checkup today --he said I looked like a 70 year old. ...or words to that effect/ To some that wouldn't sound spectacular ---I liked it. Fran.