Friday, July 20, 2007

Good Heavens!

As you know, I start my day playing a few games. One of them rewards me with the chance to receive a jewel of wisdom if I should win. Ok. I won. This last "jewel" was definitely phoney baloney in my book:
"One that keeps one's mouth shut keeps one's life, but one who opens wide one's lips shall have destruction." Right. That's such a crock. If I kept my mouth shut, the whole bunch at the gym would go home unamused by my scintilating wit... or witlessness, I don't quite know which. That saying must have been written for a downtrodden woman who is abused at home. I am definitely on the side of saying what is necessary. I think of Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Teddy's daughter. Someone said that if what a person was saying was unkind or unnecessary, not to say it. Alice said, "That's great. Just don't sit next to me." I am very loosely quoting all this as I am too lazy to look up the exact quote. But you get the picture.
I don't advocate unkindness, or untruth, but lively conversation is so much fun. Wahoo.
Peter John's widow and kids are visiting us today. They are the kids I made the quilts for. I have recovered from my two days at the art workshop. Now, I'm rarin' to go! Take care.


Anonymous said...

Hence your "jewel" is true. If you didn't talk we wouldn't know of your scintilating whitlessness. "IF" that were the case but since it is not you have nothing to worry about!!

Thanks for coming to the gym today your were fuel to the fire! It is always such a joy to have you there!

What a beautiful day for a visit from Peter's wife. Hope you all have a wonderful time!
Please tell her hello from your FAVORITE gym Buddy!

Anonymous said...

Hey Vicki,

I just found a quote that I think you need to hear.

It has been said let us be grateful for the people who make us happy for they are the charming gardeners who make our soul blossom. Nicholas

Is your thumb green????? You make my soul blossom!

Anonymous said...

I was in on the first step of those quilts. The squares used in these quilts are from Peter's colorful shirts. What a wonderul keepsake for his children. And your designing and making of quilts is sewing amd artistic perfection. Fran.