Monday, July 23, 2007

Getting reacquainted is great!

Cherie, Sarah and Ben came to stay. It was so much fun. I told Sarah she could have this painting which she admired and inscribed it to her. Then I told Ben he could pick one, too. I will include that one tomorrow. I also gave one to Cherie and she bought one. I will include those in the days ahead.

We shared all sorts of memories of Peter John. He was George's nephew and Cherie's husband and the kids' father. He was the person who owned the Indonesian shirts that I made into quilts for the two kids. They have them and loved them, so that is GREAT. A nice sweet deal all around. We are becoming more and more acquainted. Sarah is going into 10th grade and Ben into eighth. Of course, I loaded them up with tons of books that I thought they might like to read, as well.

Now I am getting geared up for the trip to Chicago. George and I went out to the golf club this morning. I was a cheer leader and the taker of some photos for John. The golf club is such a jewel he wanted to show the folks in Virginia what a golf club could look like. I weathered all the strenousness of driving the golf car and taking some pictures. I did not try to golf. It was already hotter than a pistol even though we went at 7 am. I had a blast, though.

Take care and don't get too hot!


Anonymous said...

I too was out golfing this morning although not quite as early. 8:30 to be exact. My golf partner and I decided to put a positive spin on the weather situation. When you sweat you glow lose weight!

bananafish said...

So, I assume you were taking pictures of the golf course, not Dad's golf club, right? Ha-ha!