Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Great Big Spider Mystery

I do not have a picture yet for this story. I hope to be able to include one at a later date. I have a note on my computer that says "Fitness Spiders." Lynette swears that when she comes in to open the gym early in the morning, she turns on the lights and huge (saucer size) spiders skitter across the floor, racing to hide. I tried to do some research on the net for this story, and the experts say that there is no such spider possible in Minnesota.
However, several other members swear that they have seen such spiders in their barns. There is even a rumor of such a huge spider that is PINK that has been seen. At present we think that the pink spiders stay in the beauty parlor that adjoins the gym. That would seem to be segregation because pink is a feminine color?
Someone else says she presently has such spiders in the outbuildings of their place.
To date, no one seems to have been able to catch one of these spiders. Freddy makes unmerciful fun of Lynette for having such a phobia of spiders that she sees one spider and magnifies the size by 100 percent merely because of her fright.
I come down on the side that I agree that Lynette sees something of the size she reports, I just doubt that it is technically a spider.
I have been forced by ill-health to be absent from the gym for a bit, so I am not too up to date on this controversy. Can someone bring us up to date?
Take care.


Anonymous said...

Has anyone researched what these people had to drink the previpus evening? Fran.

Anonymous said...

That's previous evening. Fran. I've not a drop of anything but coffee-the Norwegian drink of choice. Fran.

bananafish said...

But what did you have in your coffee? Hmmm??? Nothing can compare to the spiders we saw in Africa. I got used to them, but they were BIG. Glad I slept under a mosquito net!

Anonymous said...

I can handle Minnesota spiders but can't imagine trying to live with African or Brazil spiders! YIKES!!!! Only the Grace of God could keep me there with those spiders!

I did see a new spider in the woods last weekend when I was trying to burn the grass and leaves. It was light cream colored, legs and all! Pretty good size too, probably the size of a 50 cent piece. Legs were more front and back rather than sides. I killed it but it fell in amongs the leaves and I couldn't find it to bring it in for disection. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

I just got back from my writing class. Next weeek we have an assignment to write a memoir abut nature with underlying metaphor for your life! It is not specifically about spiders hoowever!
Naomi-no I will e-mail you. I get too long winded for this box. Love,Fran.

Anonymous said...

Fran, an assignment about nature with a metaphor to your life. Is that like if I were to be an animal which animal would I be? I am definitely a Turtle!!! Always moving slow and near water.

Fran probably likes Bailey's Irish Cream in her coffee! HAHA I believe I WILL have another cup!! Hicupp!