Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Memories 5

This is a picture of my brother and his wife, Elaine, with their great-grandchild, Mattias. I have lost track of how many great-grandchildren they have.
Many of the memories I have of my early childhood involve my brother. I always called him "Bud" so that is how I will refer to him in these blogs. He has been an inspiration to me throughout my life. The sad thing about aging is that it is difficult to get together with those who mean so much to you, but memories perhaps will bridge the gap.
As an adult he has become famous in the family for his "Laughing Man" stories. A story with many convolutions as the heroes (mysteriously resembling those to whom he is telling the stories) find their way through the jungle/woods filled with shadows and incipient terror. And then ---- the terrible laugh of the "Laughing Man"... and finally, a way out.
Bud was and has always been my hero. He was the greatest brother a girl could ever have. The only really mean trick he ever played on me was when he experimented with giving me a dill pickle when I had the mumps. We discovered that it REALLY DID HURT. I must admit that I probably would get the prize for being the peskiest little sister possible. I always wanted to be right in the middle of everything.
Bud has always been very involved in the Boy Scouts and he was going for a merit badge for camping so he took me with him while he set up his campsite near Lake Waubesa. He had the tent up and the little ditch dug around the tent, when all of a sudden he realized he had done all these preparations in the middle of a cow pasture. All had to be moved to the other side of a fence. He sent me out to hunt for a spring, and I proceeded to look for a long time thinking he meant a bed spring, not knowing what a water spring was.
More about my dear brother next posting. Take care.


bananafish said...

Love to see the picture of Uncle Buddy and Aunt Elaine, I miss them. Uncle Bud's Laughing Man stories are some of my favorite memories and stories of all time. I'll never forget them. And Aunt Elaine's loving care for all of her guests no matter when or how many. What wonderful folks!

Izzy said...


why does it hurt getting a dill pickle when having the mumps? yo no comprendo, mi amiga.

i got your card today! thanks so much! how thoughtful. i am chatting with enid right now and she says you are the nicest cyber friend she has ever had! i agree.

i am heading up there (vancouver island) for about a month over the winter holidays...i can't wait!

well, more later...take care!
