Monday, October 01, 2007


Six comments! I'm absolutely agog.

I forgot to tell you about something from the stay at Lake Anna... in Virgina. One of the women who was there was injured in a waterski accident. She wiped out and hurt an already chancy hip condition. So for most of the time she was hobbling around with crutches. Her name was Gina, I thought, but it turns out it was Jeanna. She works with horses and had some stuff with her put out by Mane and Tail called Hoof Maker! It can be used by people like me who have disappearing fingernails. I've griped about this for many a long year with no help in sight. THIS STUFF SEEMS TO WORK!.... I haven't been able to find Mane and Tail products locally, but I found Farnum Hoof Saver at Fleet Farm. We'll see if that is as good. I am so excited. If any of you know where they have Mane and Tail products locally please let me know.

It's so much fun for me to read Fran's memoir of her life. I suppose she was 12 years old before I would have any chance of remembering anything of our family life, so her memories are very cherished by me. I will try to start writing to match her assignments. We'll see the differences that occur! Fun.

Take care... and remember the magic of four.


Anonymous said...

The only problem with all this computer visiting is that it may take the place of actually being together. Or maybe it keeps us sane and with more togetherness. I'll have to think about it. I know it is what I look forward to. Fran.

Anonymous said...

Computer visiting has it's advantages and disadvantages. You can hear my much wanted opinion without having to tell me it is time for me to leave. But on the other hand I think unless you really know the person and the sense of humor you can miss or misunderstand some of the comments.

So, when do we get to read the memoirs?

Anonymous said...

When I publish my memoirs I'll send a copy. Just kidding, Karen. This class has got me started. I have written 6 stories so far and my head is whirling. Çheck with Vicki. Fran.

Anonymous said...

No need to check with Vicki, I got an e-mail from you and the memoirs are in there! Yahoo!