Thursday, October 25, 2007

tah dah!

Naomi has way too much time on her hands, so she decided she would change her blog appearance and I should do the same. Please check her blog out. The link is here on mine.
I actually got to the gym for some rudimentary excercise, but I faded fast. It will take me a bit to get my corpuscles up and running at top speed again. I was disappointed that Fred wasn't there so that we could delve further into the great spider mystery. Soon.

As to the ingredients for my egg salad, they change every time, and I just throw in a bit of this and that. Plenty of finely chopped up onion and dill pickles, a bit of dill pickle juice and lemon juice, some horseradish and REAL mayonaise, none of this diet stuff. oh, yes.... mustard, salt and plenty of pepper. Onion powder. Hmmmm. AND, OF COURSE, HARD COOKED COOLED EGGS mashed up. Whatever else occurs to me. But I like it very tasty, not bland. I love it so much that I don't make it very often because I would eat too much.

This next week I have the book club at my house so I have to start planning our repast. We have come so far that we do variations on the pattern set by Fran. I will probably do the deviled eggs, muffins, sugar free jello. All according to pattern. Carol figured out the greatest topping for the jello. She threw cottage cheese in the blender and let 'er rip until it got to the consistancy of whipped cream. Very tasty and healthy. Yahoo. If I change my menu I will be sure to let you know!

How do you like the new look of my blog? Certainly plain enough. Hmmmm. I'll have to see.

Take care.


Anonymous said...

Good to see a new look but I have to honestly say it is pretty "blah". How about Hannah's favorite color. . . hot pink with a navy type? The new a improved Vicki! Like one could possibly improve on perfection already!!

Anonymous said...

Fred is keeping busy farming! We have put him to work on the big tractor and chisel plow. He will have stories to tell when he returns.

bananafish said...

love the pink and purple!

bananafish said...

comment #4

Anonymous said...

WooHoo!!! I LOVE the pink and purple!!! GREAT choice Vicki!!

Thanks for coming to the gym. It is always such a joy to see you.