Sunday, August 27, 2006


I think "cookies"means something in computerize, but I just mean the old fashioned kind of cookies that people eat. My sister-in-law, Elaine, is the all time cookie baking champion. I imagine she is in semi-retirement from that job, now, but I can remember when she would bake 20 or more different types of cookies for Christmas. No matter when one would come to visit, she would sneak down to the basement freezer and come up with some variety of marvelous food. That is why I am a bit shame-faced about reporting my exploits at baking just two different kinds of cookies.

However, last night at about 10:30 I settled in to bake my oatmeal/raisin cookies. It went great. Then I started in on the double batch of chocolate chip. That went great. At about 1:30 am I finally finished the clean-up and headed for bed. All I can say is, "Hats Off" to Elaine! I had no trouble, but it is exhausting rather boring work. I managed to do a bit of reading as I waited for the timer to announce the removal and insertion times of trays into the oven.

Now the real job begins. Keeping the cookies out of the yawning maw of my husband is always a challenge. He's going on a trip tomorrow, so that will help. If he isn't home he won't be able to raid the cookie jar. I have tried hiding cookies in the freezer disguised as freezer-burned steak, but George has always managed to look behind the disguise to the delectable cookies. Frozen cookies are great dunked in milk!

I suppose I will send some with him as munchies on his trip. Can he take them on the plane? Perhaps they look too much like .... what? These carry-aboard rules are complicated and I don't want to get him in trouble.


Anonymous said...

I used to try and hide the cookies also-but why go thru the work if not to enjoy them? It gives me great pleasure to know that my family is grateful when I bake as evidenced by the handful of cookies in their hands. I apparently don't bake enough as my daughter proclaimed that Betty Crocker must have moved in after my last mini baking marathon.

Izzy said...

if you happen to make an extra batch, you know where you can send them.

japanese don't really know how to make cookies. or have the ingredients for it.

best of luck with the hiding places. ask my mom if you need any new places...she always found the best ones...including in the light fixture.
