Friday, August 18, 2006


Actually, the marshmallow was gorgeous, I suppose. If I was gorging on it, I suppose it could have been gorg=ious, but then I would be making up a word, which was not my intention.

I am trying to get a handle on the thousands of mystery books I have... well, at least hundreds. I am contributing many of them to the Coffeehouse Art Center to do some sort of book exchange. We haven't worked out the particulars yet, but Connie Eidem and I are going to do some thinking about it on Monday afternoon to see if we can figure it out.

In one of the books I found a list of words which I had discovered in the book. It is a mystery by T. J. MacGregor. I liked the books, as I remember, in part because of the outrageous vocabulary used. Here goes:

perdurable, splanchnic, recrudescence, crescive, puissant, nacreous, minatory, pelagic, concrescence, sapid, congeries, coruscated, immediacable, nimety, parlous, hypnagogic, ecurient, coriaceous, chatoyant, erubescent, afferent, caliginous, peregrine, inspissated, longiveous, corybantic, divagated, erumpent, imbicated, lacineated, inspissating, and tristful.

Karen and the rest of you: That should give you a bit of work with your dictionaries. I remember vaguely that I knew what some of the words must mean because of their context, but the author went overboard. And it is a mystery how he (or she) got the books published. They were a fun read, as I remember, and I am going to reread them now, just out of curiosity.

Adios, amigos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was going to ignore that list of words until you put out the challenge. It is a grand rainy day for this type of challenge.