Wednesday, October 18, 2006

new name for painting

An interesting thing happened to me today. This is the second time such a thing has happened. Some thing happens that changes my view of a painting I have done. The first one was one that is in my gallery (the pictures on this site). I painted it, thinking it was one thing and then I read the novel, "A Fine Balance" by Mintry which is about life in India. The quote is "There is a fine balance between hope and dispair." It was one of those light bulb moments, and I knew that was the perfect title for that picture.

Today the title "Moses and the Burning Bush" was suggested for the picture I entitled (tentatively) Wild Flowers. I love that title and it is hereby retitled. I LOVE THAT TITLE.
I tend not to be enthusiastic as all of my friends will attest... but I do LOVE that title.

I have been lolling around today. Went to the gym and then read and rested and cleaned a bit. Coming down from the high of yesterday. My talk on Modigliani went great and the show in Fergus at the gallery was fun. I thought I would paint today, but couldn't get off the dime.

We miss you, Karen l, and hope you will soon be able to join us again at the gym.

We're going to go to choir practice tonight. We have been neglecting that as we both had pneumonia, but we are chipper again, so we will try to warble a bit. As I get older it is hard for me to welcome going out in the evening.

Speaking of going out in the evening, Tomorrow Night there is going to be a great little program at the Coffeehouse Art Center. The Canwegians (Norwegian ancestry from Canada) are giving a musical/humorous presentation. Should be a blast. Pry yourselves out of the house and attend.


Izzy said...

does that make me a Japwegian if i live in japan and have norwegian blood? note: sadly, only 3/8 of my blood is norwegian....i understand if you don't want to talk with me ever again.


bananafish said...

I have less than one minute! love you! N

Anonymous said...

I am blown away that you would "retitle" a painting with such haste! Are you sure you don't want to think about this?