Sunday, October 08, 2006

Ok. second try:

I have to remember not to hit the wrong button. The tab is what works.

We went to church this morning and I actually got to hug Izzy! I am so happy to see that he is really a live person and not just a cyberspace mirage. He's heading back to Japan (I was going to say the Orient, but I can't remember if that is pc or not, so Japan seemed safer.) He is much taller than most of the folks in our church, too, so I imagine he is quite a smash hit in Japan.

This shuffling of the Singing Bird is reversed. But I have been working on it. It's the trying to do the posting stuff that everythings gets strange. Stay tuned. The next posting of it will be different again. Sigh.

I have the snuffles. I think it is just allergies from all the dust flying around in the wind. I feel really good and I love being back at the gym. See ya at the gym tomorrow!

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