Tuesday, October 10, 2006

On the brink...

of winter! Tomorrow it's supposed to take a dip into winter with even a hint of snow. Today is still beautiful and George is intending to get to the golf course.

Fran has completed her move and is contentedly rearranging her funiture and art objects. She is a happy camper with plenty to do for the forseeable future.

I am preparing my head to give a talk next week on Amadeo Modigliani. I love his painting and enjoy giving talks. I thought my turn was in November, but the gal who I thought was doing October couldn't, so I sprang into the breach! Yahoo. I am already spending my waking up hours in the morning organizing facts and evaluating the character of this intriguing painter. He was a small man with the looks of a movie star and the dissolute life of a rock star. But he could paint like an angel. If you want to hear what I will finally come up with I will be talking at 1:00 at the gallery in Battle Lake a week from today... next Tuesday.

Off to my daily stuff. Have a GREAT day. Or, GRRRRRRRRREAT day, as Tony the Tiger would say.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck on your Modigliani. You always do great. Have someone take a picture of you in your costume --you always figure out a complementary outfit for the artist talks.