Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Answer the Phone!

Yes, this is me. I have had a haircut since this picture was taken in Fran's new place, but I want to talk to you. Yes, you.

Today is voting day. So be sure to vote if you can.

Today is living day. So live it to it's most awesome potential. Remember that life is fleeting, especially to someone who is already 76 years old (me) so I must savor each day. But you should savor it, too, no matter what your age. Remember that we all have a limited shelf life that will sooner or later expire. Each experience should contribute to the life of the planet, the welfare of its inhabitants, and our own happiness. We all have one thing in common. We are not going to last indefinitely on this planet. Time is awasting.

I believe that God is the only one who is going to be there for me in this life and into the next, and God is good. He/She is the anchor of my existence. There is a hymn which says, "all else is shifting sand." So be sure to vote. Be sure to live. Do everything you can to live life to the fullest. But do realize it is transitory in nature.

Okay. You're sick of my little sermon for today. I'll soon hang up the phone and head up to Battle Lake for a board meeting of Art of the Lakes. Later, I will vote. Perhaps I will paint. God willing and the creek don't rise. Take care.


Anonymous said...

Gotcha ~ Loud and clear. That is precisely what gets me into trouble!!!! I SAVOR each day and MOMENTS within the day!!! Therefore I don't get as much done and I am always behind!!! But boy do I enjoy what I DO get done!!!

Gee. . . who were you on the phone with?? Someone quite special I am certain!!!!!

I called your cell last night to see if you got your flowers ordered but you evidently had your phone off already.

Anonymous said...

I voted also! I wouldn't miss the opportunity to express myself with a vote.

Harvest is done-now on to tax school for a couple of days-I will be back to the gym next week-can't wait to see you!

Izzy said...

sadly, i didn't vote. i never got around to getting my absentee ballot. my bad. i won't let it happen again.