Friday, November 10, 2006

Upbeat Friday

I know I was always thrilled that it was Friday when I was a working person. The weekend. And then I would get migraine headaches on Saturday. It took me a long time to figure that out, but I finally did. On Saturdays I was without the already decided schedule that work imposed on me. I had to face the endless decisions of time at home. Should I do this or that? Which of the endless tasks should I tackle first? Oofta.

I should have learned my lesson and made more lists, but sadly I am still one of those persons who can't decide what task to begin first. At least I don't get migraines any more. Knock on wood! (Where did that superstitious idea come from? Anybody know!)

I had a down day yesterday. We had our flu shots on Wednesday, and Wednesday night I started feeling the chills. All day Thursday I had a slight case of chills, but today I feel fine. I suppose a flu shot could have that effect, but if it keeps me from having the full blown deal, I'll take that any day. Get your flu shots!

So today I am fit as a fiddle and ready for the gym. Off I go. Take care!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know me. . . I find everyday a treasure! But yes on the weekends it is more relaxed. We have started a tradition of picking up movies on Friday and Friday night is movie night!!!

Hannah is going to the Skillet concert tomorrow night. She is excited. Thier music is a little out there for me!!!! Heavy metal christian.

Sorry I didn't come to the gym today. Tim called and then my sister Karla called and I was behind schedule already so something had to give.
Have a great weekend.