Wednesday, November 29, 2006


The sun is shining but it is 10 degrees F out there and I can feel the chill of winter descending. Notice the frozen rivulet in the picture. It has frozen with a vengeance. I didn't notice it until this morning, but I think it was just water until today. This is the scene that I see from my computer. Nice, eh? I love it. I love watching the changing of the seasons and take pictures a lot of my back yard! As I told you before, I took over one hundred pictures one year of this scene. I mounted them on a long strip of wallpaper border and entered them in a photo show. That was the first event of the Evansville Arts Coalition, I think. Let me know if you believe I am wrong? Well, for that matter, let me know if you think I am right!

When we first moved here our back yard bordered on a wetland scene, a marsh if you will. We had ducks and geese landing there. Then a maniac bought the property and drained it and tried to change it into a regular lot. No more ducks and geese. It is still a beautiful vista, however, and manages to flood occasionally regardless of every effort to prevent that. I am very happy at that, because then no one builds a house out there! I have my vista, at least.

When we lived in Brazil I had a cement wall four feet from the window over my kitchen sink. That was my view. That is what makes me go on so endlessly about the view I have now. I LOVE IT. Yes, I do.

In Brazilian cities, people love to live close to their neighbors. We literally had a small sidewalk's width between our house and our neighbors on either side. Our yard and house tool shed also had a wall around it. Not a fence, but a wall. I find that interesting. The whole block of houses was really one walled-in enclave. Not only did people live close to each other, they were really locked in together. There was a fear of robbers. One locked the shutters and doors at night.

As I am a bit claustrophobic, it took a bit of getting used to. It is also probably why I love my view now. I literally can't get enough of it. I photograph it at any time without needing an excuse. Then I pass on its beauty to you. Lucky you! Have a nice day!

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