Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Fun visit!

Several things astonished me about the trip to see Fran. One was that my driving was so flawless. I didn't take a single wrong turn the whole trip. I mean, can you imagine? Having a map is wonderful, and then Fran does live in a very accessible spot. When we went to the Mpls Institute of Art, it was just a few blocks away and I knew the area as Naomi lived just across from the Institute for a couple of years, so I knew where to park.

I drove out and caught I94 with no problem, too. I was really pumped. Now that I have bragged so much, the next time I try will no doubt be a disaster! Pride goeth etc, etc.

We had a wonderful time ... Talked non stop as usual, and Morgan came over and we did some stores. We had a great time!

Fran's new place has six HUGE windows. The views out the windows are fun. They aren't quite as nice as the views from the old place, but those will soon be blocked by a new high rise, so she's just getting a jump on that! Here are a few views:

Well... disappointed once again. I'll try again tomorrow.

Good to be home. Met George at Mac's Diner for lunch when I got back. Fun.

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