Saturday, November 04, 2006


This is our grandson in his halloween costume. I hope you are suitably scared. He's a character from the XMan comic, Werewolf or some such. I was interested in my trying to access the picture from my cache of pictures. I wrote "halloween 1" which was the title of the picture, but the computer kept telling me that was an error. When I typed the title in the cache, I had typed "holloween 1" so the computer would not access it for me. It shows once again the difference between a person and a computer. A person would have recognized that it was a spelling error and given me the correct picture, but a machine couldn't do that... YET. Give the computers time and they will rule the world.

George went hunting deer today, but they had no success. Nevertheless, he is very tired. I can hear him snoring in the other room. I think his enjoyment of deer hunting (if he ever did enjoy it) is disappearing fast. He misses son John being with him.

Have a good one.

1 comment:

Izzy said...

as a boy at heart, i know your grandson's costume is called "Wolverine." he is awesome. be sure to make sure you drop the name "wolverine" when you talk with him and he will think you are the coolest grandma ever (note, i realize that you already are)!

just finished my rice and miso soup. YUM!
