Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas Spirit

Just picture me! It is evening and I am dressed in my red plaid flannel pants, my white and plaid sweat shirt and a red/blue/yellow/green/white plaid vest. I am the spirit of Kris Kringle personified. If I were at home I would grace you with my photo, but I don't know how to do that here, so you will be spared that horror.

We drove around here and looked at the Christmas lights on the houses. I must say we do equally well in the mid-west, if not better. We have some humdinger lighters in Evansville. There are all kinds of mansions around here and some of them decorate in a tasteful way, some in an extravagant way, but some of them gain the boo hiss award for awful. I imagine it is that way everywhere.

Have you put up lights this year? Which category do you fall into? Go outside and look it over. Tasteful? Extravagant? or Boo Hiss? Or nothing? That is not often the case.

We send our Christmas Greetings to you all. Take care.


Anonymous said...

just love your all
a very merry christmas and all the best in the new year. barb y zola

Anonymous said...

We use only one lighted decoration- A star that my husband made a few years back. It is special because he took the time to make it for me. It is large and is on the side of our shed-we see it as we are coming home-lighting the way up the driveway.
I too, prefer tasteful-not gawdy decorations for outside.