Monday, December 25, 2006


Nice relaxed day. Opening the presents around the tree. Breakfast fixed by chefs Beth and John. Open Christmas stockings. All is well.

We went to a very festive and celebratory church service last evening in a very old church here on the Langley Air Force Base. It was a great candle lighting service. Then home to a nice late supper. To bed after watching a roaring fire in their great fireplace. Wonderful.

I miss our own church. I wonder how it went on Sunday. Morning regular church service. Afternoon and evening services. I imagine Pastor just brought a cot to the church and camped out. That would be cool.

My best to you all. Jesus is the reason for the season, fer sure. love ya.


Izzy said...

merry xmas all the way from borneo.

just did my usual xmas know, scuba diving, eating chinese food, and getting a sun burn.

any plans for new years?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful Christmas to me!

So, what sights are you seeing? And Hannah wantst to know what the weather is like.

We went to the gym today. Met Karen L and Mary Kay.