Sunday, December 10, 2006

dinner vs. supper

There was only one response to my question in my last blog. I do thank Karen for her response! When I was a girl, the noon meal on Sunday was always called Sunday Dinner.. later in life I discovered that evening meals that were substantial were also called dinner. In the midwest, I believe that at the present time the evening meal is generally called supper so that you know what time of day you are thinking of.

Check out the menus the next time you go to the local eateries. There are lunch menus and dinner menus. Generally, the dinner menu is referring to the evening menu. Generally the dinner menu is considerably more expensive than the lunch menu.

If you say "luncheon" that seems a bit classier than "lunch." And we all want to be classy, right? Not. Whichever meal you mean, if the food is good, who cares!


Anonymous said...

This is no problem as a rule but I did one time say I would meet someone for dinner and they thought tht was a noontime designation. It's a cultural thing. Fran.

Izzy said...

i generally go with supper. i would never turn down dinner, but it just doesn't taste as good as supper. you know what i mean? additionally, the verb 'sup' is great. "would you do me the honor of supping with me tonight?" so regally buffoonic.
