Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sunday White

The scene outside is WHITE with no sun. A flake or two of snow is drifting down. It is outstandingly beautiful, but I do like to have sunshine.
I am pretty pumped, however, as I succeeded in figuring out how to get a picture, put it in the My Picture file, and then publish it on the blog. I still cannot crop it, but all things seem possible. The title of the painting is "Lair of the She-wolf." When I had it in a gallery, the owner renamed it "India Print." You can take your pick... I stand by my own title as I am, afterall, the artist who created it! You, as the observer, can name it anything you jolly well please! That's art for you!
I have always kidded around saying that I am a dust farmer, but the magnitude of my crop success had never hit me until yesterday. We cleaned our bedroom down to the bare bones. It is now clean as a whistle. Took the bed apart, etc., etc... All is clean of dust. All I can think of now is that dust is slowly but inexorably collecting again. Is there any way to stop it? No. We live where dust and rust corrupt. One of the reasons I look forward to heaven is I am pretty sure there will be no dust OR rust there. We will be able to concentrate on the goal rather than constantly being bothered with the upkeep of things. That is my fervent hope.
I have managed to twirl the weighted hula hoop four times around my stodgy figure. That, in itself, is a small miracle. When (please notice, I said WHEN not IF) I finally succeed, I will include a picture of that olympic feat in this blog. Vicki doing the hula hoop! That'll be the day.
No... That'll be THE day. Take care.


Anonymous said...

no sun in Minneapolis either. Very small covering of snow, mostly melted in spots. How it could melt in the temps we've had lately, I don't know. Love the wandering wolf of my favorites after the one with the trumpet.

Anonymous said...

The best way to beat the dust is to keep the blinds drawn during the day so that the sun does not highlight where a duster has not been swiped. Dust doesn't show in the evening either. I am always amazed how much dust accumulates-makes a person wonder why we aren't sick all of the time!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure in real life your picture would look completely different but on your blog it looks to me like an artery between layers of skin.
As for the dust I think I have told you my theory is dust "protects" things so I leave as much as possible!
Oh Fran I LOVED your quote!!! That is a word picture if I ever heard one!