Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Mission Accomplished

I feel rather proud. I finally got a picture posted ( a miserably dark picture, but still ) to match my last posting, and yesterday I did two of the things I have been planning for a long time.
Some time ago, I took two of my older paintings in to Randy to re-use the frames to frame two of my newer paintings. Much more cost effective than new frames. And I have been wanting to do some more painting on one of those paintings for a long time, anyway! Two birds with one stone, to use a cliche.
Then, in order to miss the predicted snow storm, I took the two newly framed paintings to Fergus one day early to enter them in the invitational art show that they hold each year. They have a newly constructed art center at the college that is fabulous.
I also organized and sent in my entry to a juried show of mid-western art sponsored by the New American Paintings magazine. I finally broke the entrance barrier and DID IT. I suppose I have been trying to get up the gumption to do that for at least 10 years. Now I will continue to attempt it until I succeed in getting into the show. I have broken the "entering" reluctance barrier, now I will continue until I break the "gaining entrance" barrier. Once broken initially, any task becomes easier the second time.
Now I must prepare a talk I have been asked to give on Friday for the World Day of Prayer. They are warning us of severe snow coming, so I don't know if the meeting will actually be, but it is good for me to read about Paraguay, anyway.
Okay. First, the gym. Then some painting. Then the talk preparation. My day is set. How about yours? Take care!


bananafish said...

This part of your "vicki room" looks great! how is the rest coming along? i'm thinking of you, love

Anonymous said...

Love the glimpse of the Vicki room. Just got back from Bible study and a program on the American Refugee Committee by a young woman who reminds me of Naomi. I think she willbe added to my gazette --Naomi, that is.Fran.

Anonymous said...

Love the glimpse of the Vicki room. Just got back from Bible study and a program on the American Refugee Committee by a young woman who reminds me of Naomi. I think she willbe added to my gazette --Naomi, that is.Fran.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why my message was done twice. Yikes. The machine age is attacking. Fran.

Izzy said... are busy! good luck with the art verdict. be sure to post some pictures of it when you have time and when it actually works. why are you giving a talk on paraguay?
