Thursday, February 01, 2007

Yippee kae yai!

Yep. That's me on my horse at the gym. Thanks to Karen W who was the giver of the horse head and the photographer. Mary W. brought her husbands stetson, and we were off to the races! I also have a picture of me with a sombrero that I will share at a later time. I don't want to give you too much of a thrill.
We are trying to figure out how we can use foolish pictures of me at the gym as an advertising ploy. Please share any ideas. I have succeeded in doing the hula hoop for four revolutions and then the hoop fell down and hurt my knee, so the present thought is getting knee protectors for me and taking a picture of me doing that adventurous, REVOLUTIONARY, exercise. Pardon the pun. All ideas welcome, no matter how ridiculous. Actually, the more ridiculous the better!
We are going into the deep freeze this weekend according to the weather prognosticators. (See, Karen l, I have not forgotten you like long words!) The ground is covered with a beautiful snow mantle and it will be fun to stay in and watch the Super Bowl... I have some pop corn, so that will be our treat on Sunday afternoon. What are you planning? Something much more exotic, I'm sure. Just think, Izzy, you will miss out on watching the great game! Or is there an interest in American Football in Japan? Probably not. Now, baseball... The Japanese like that, I'm sure.
Stay warm and take care.


bananafish said...

What a great picture! You could make some posters to put up around town and maybe in neighboring towns with some kind of caption: "Putting on the winter weight? Buck it off at It Figures and lassoe your goal weight!"

Izzy said...

You could take a photo of a well-known local named Jim and have a caption under it saying "Go to the gym! No, not J-I-M, but G-Y-M. Go Figures!"

about football, yes, i will be watching the grandest games of them all on monday, yes monday. thanks time change and spherical earth. japanese aren't really into football, but they show a couple games each year. now, baseball, baseball is much more popular than sumo these days.

good luck with the advertising campaign!

Anonymous said...

We can't find your email address in the transferred address folder --what is it?

Anonymous said...

I'm anonymous

Anonymous said...

I think Barb should use both Naomi and Issac's ad ideas-they are great!
I need to get out the dictionary to figure out the looooong word!