Sunday, February 25, 2007

Quiet Sunday

It's amazing how quiet it seems here in the "country." Those of you who live on farms can't see me describing my spot as "country" but compared to "city" it definitely can be called that. There is not much wind... not enough to make sound... and the pine trees are heavily laden down with snow. This is part of the the scene that meets my eye as I type this posting. The incredible part of it for me is the quiet. It almost assaults my ears.
I am trying to process my art experience of Friday. Each time I take a workshop there is something that ignites within me. Many of the times it is the fun I usually have in a group of people who are passionate about some of the same things I am. I am particularly taken with what I learned on Friday as it connects me with something I have wanted to explore for a long time. When our cousin Charles Olson visited a couple of years ago and saw my paintings he mentioned that it was too bad they had to be behind glass. I have pondered his remark and tried to find a solution. One of my favorite people bought a painting and put it behind museum glass. If you are not familiar with it, it is an absolutely invisible glass that still has UV protection against the sun. There is no reflection at all. Amazing! And amazingly expensive! I am on the trail of a method of presenting my art without glass. Stay tuned!
Another thing: I was experimenting with a Mark Rothko-like deal for creating fields of color to swoon over. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO excited. The draw-back to my plan is that I need to buy some different water-color pigment to proceed. The pigment is available at "Cheap Joe's Art Stuff" but is still pricey. So - I have been saving my pennies for a new computer - and now will have to add pigment to that goal. Oh, life is grand. I am pumped! Sooner or later all will fall into place. Stay tuned II.
Ah, the quiet. In the distance, I can now hear a snow blower. Awhile ago a snow plow came past. But, still, the main thing is the silence. A wonderful silent Sunday.
Oh, yes, a good Samaritan plowed out our driveway. Thank you, Darrell. Since George is still somewhat under the weather, it is doubly appreciated!
Take care. Enjoy the white stuff.


Anonymous said...

So as not to disturb your "quiet" I will talk softly!

Can't wait to see a painting using your new technic! Since you are such a wonderful artist already it will be fun to see what you come up with!

Izzy said...

i, too, am excited to see some new art. good luck!

bananafish said...

mom, you rock!

Anonymous said...

And now it is all melting--and after waiting for a nice blizzard. What is this with Minnesota? Luckily I never invested in a snowmobile! Fran.