Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I have been sorting through boxes of things which I have stored under beds. The plastic containers are great - long and flat - and protect the contents from dust. I have found diaries, old letters, poems, pictures, student projects (two stories written by my third year Spanish students and produced rather magnificently), and all sorts of odds and ends. All of my diplomas, way from grade school through College. My confirmation certificate and baptismal record. I actually have two baptismal records... one for July 12th and the other for July 13th. Was one a mistake so they replaced it with the other? They are both duly certified with all the requisite signatures. Does anyone know which was on a Sunday in 1930? That was no doubt the proper one. And my birth certificate with its cute little inked footprint. I wonder if it has any relationship to an inked image of my right foot now, 76 years later. I could try it out, but somehow I haven't the energy! Maybe, one of these days.

I hope you have a great time with your sweetie today. Take care.


Anonymous said...

Sunday was on the 13th in 1930.

Sorry I wisked in and out this morning like a flock of hummingbirds. I have to scoot even now and get Hannah a bite to eat and drop her at church by 5! Then home to make our steak dinner. YeeHaw!

See you on Friday and thanks for the tea!

Izzy said...

you know what the say about people who were baptized twice? yeah, i don't know either. something about two crosses making ...something clever. sorry, i don't know. you fill in the rest.

p.s. i love those days of looking through old memory starters.

bananafish said...

i love ya, ma! happy v-day!