Monday, July 16, 2007

Time Marches On

Way back when I would awaken at my daughter's apartment in Olympia, Washington and look up at this view. I was entranced by all of the angles. It amazed me how long I could gaze up and dream. It is a painting that infuriates a friend of mine because the edges are not parallel to the edges of the paper on which it is painted. I try to explain to her that because of the placement of the bed, that is the way that the view looked and just exactly what made it entrancing to me. Nope. She can't stand it.

Is that what happens to us as we go along in life. Do things that look entrancing to one look out of whack to someone else? Infuriatingly so?

Some things are so infuriating that they drive people to bombs in order to right what seems out of order. That is, perhaps, a leap of reasoning, but i wish people could just chill out and stop blowing each other up. There are so many strange and wonderful ways to look at things.

Perhaps in heaven we will be allowed to stand together and look at things without the wish to blow people up for disagreeing with us.

My friend and I have managed it... so far.


bananafish said...

I LOVED that apartment, it was the only time that I have lived alone and it was so nice. I love the painting to. And of course the painter, but that goes without saying!!!!

bananafish said...

Okay, so I'm an English teacher and I used the wrong "to" Sigh. I love the painting TOO!

Anonymous said...

Love it when I have your blog to read and admire with my breakfast coffee. I love this painting, always. You have another one of the same place , if I remembeer rightly. Anon.

Anonymous said...

Well, friend, I don't really want to blow you up over it, and I hope you feel the same about me!
I love you! Carol