Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Church Bazaar

Because of the state of our health we had to miss our church Bazaar this year. There are certain things we especially missed: the great soup and the egg salad sandwiches. I found myself attempting to make a great soup, and although it didn't measure up to bazaar standards, it was pretty good. Today I boiled up a dozen eggs and made egg salad sandwiches. I actually like my recipe better than almost any other, so that was satisfactory. Now we have to forgo the great pies, lefsa and other goodies. All to the good for little ole diabetic me. George would eat them all, but he is supposedly on a diet.

I love it when men go on a diet. 15 pounds off the first week, no problem. "What have you been moaning and groaning about?" they ask their wives. "Dieting is a snap." Then they get older and get that belly and there is no longer the glibness about dieting. The law of flab has caught up with them. We try not to snigger into our hands but it takes great restraint.

We are looking out at the great weather. Sun makes such a difference. There are still some trees that have kept their colorful leaves. We're feeling better, the weather is great, our spirits are soaring. Wahoo.

Take care.


Anonymous said...

So what is the secret ingredient to your superb egg salad? I like a good portion of mustard for some kick.

Yes, it is funny to see men get a tire around the middle and then they are not so condescending to their wives. But I have to say, Tim is as fit and trim as the day we married. He puts guys many years younger to shame with his energy level and stamina! Although now that he is past 40 he see days where the superman outfit isn't bringing all the energy it once did. He has to take time to recover. . . horrors!!

We all need to help Vicki "talk herself into" going to the gym. When I call her she hmm's and she haw's and she say's "maybe" and "we'll see" She can't quite come up with a good excuse fast enough. Help me out here.

Anonymous said...

Yes Vicki, Fred asked where you are 2 days in a row now. He is so proud that he remembered your name, evidently that is a problem for him to remember names. He wants to speak with you about this spider business going on here. So, get your butt over here, k?

bananafish said...

I love the line about sniggering into your hands-ha-ha! It is difficult to work hard at exersise an and eating right and then see your husband eat pizza and burgers and never excersise and still stay as skinny as ever! At least he never makes me feel bad about being me!

Anonymous said...

It will be nice when Karen L is done harvesting so she can put her two cents in here and then we have "4" easier!

Vicki . . . . are you going to let Barb tell you to get your "butt over here" and get away with it????? Do I sense someone needs to be dealt with?

You go girl! I will stand behind you all the way! HAHA