Sunday, October 28, 2007

Memories - 4

I was very cute as a small child, and my brother made a big fuss over me. He would take me to his Boy Scout meetings in his wagon, and I became a sort of mascot. Later, when I wasn't so cute anymore and had graduated into the pest category, he no longer took me along. This infuriated me, and I would chase after him until he outdistanced me.

I seemed to make it a habit to be infuriated. I remember having a temper tantrum lying on the floor between the kitchen and dining room. Mother was setting the table and she ignored me completely by just stepping over my screaming, kicking body. Now there was a woman who knew how to handle a kid!

I remember my father coming home from the bank for his noon meal and a short power nap on the couch. The couch was a black mohair affair. When it was time for him to return to work, mother would tell me I could awaken him. I would go and try to pull him off the couch. After about three tries, he would roll off the couch with great moans and groans, roll out into the room and give me a big thrill.

My father had a favorite red oblong eraser. He misplaced it and I found it. He made a big fuss about my great feat, and after that, whenever I wanted a favor, I would scootch up to him, bat my eyes and say, "Raser, daddy" and he would laugh and give me what I asked for. Another thing he would do is lift me up high, hug me tight with my face up close to his and say, "Hearts are flying!"

My heart is flying out to all of you today! Take care


Anonymous said...

Wow....I love reading about your life as a child. I miss being at the gym but.....we are nearly done. I hope to be back in approximately one week.

Anonymous said...

p.s. I went back in time to read some of the previous posts....waiting for me to return. At least with Fred working out in the field here for us I can harass him a bit over the business band radios in our tractors. I will get to the rest of you when I return.

bananafish said...

Mom, I love to think of Grandpa saying, "Hearts are flying" what an amazing and poetic thing to say. It brings good tears to my eyes.

Anonymous said...

I can just envision your brother trying to outrun you. And I can totally understand why he would do this. Hannah was always trying to keep up to Christopher when she was little and he wanted his "space". It is not very "manly" to be seen with your little sister!

Fun to hear the story about your dad. Interesting what memories one keeps and which ones we forget.

Karen L, Don't take too many harassing lessons from Fred. He can be brutal! You should reverse that and try to be a softening influence on Fred. You've got your work cut out for you.