Wednesday, October 04, 2006

If at first,

You don't succeed, try, try again! I was trying to make a comment on Fran's reference to my looking like my own grandmother. At one time I was much fatter and stressed out and DID look a fright... more a fright than I do now!

But her remark made me think of a common occurence for women. They look in the mirror and realize they DO look more and more like their own mother... or grandmother. Or they hear themselves talking and realize that they are echoing advice that they received from their own mothers when they were teenagers. Perhaps even the tone of voice is the same.

It seems to me that we become who we are in reaction to our parents. We either emulate them or rebel against them, but they have a deep impact on who we become. (on whom we become? Grammar questions continue to plague me.)

I carried out my mother's advice when my children were at home. No leaving the house after an illness until you had been fever free for 24 hours. You will often not have fever in the morning, but by afternoon, back it comes. So you should wait 24 hours to be sure. Naomi confided that she enforced that rule on a friend of hers the other day. She laughed as she told me. She herself realized how humorous it was that she was becoming me.

In the Bible it talks about the sin of the parents affecting people to the third and fourth generations, but I find it interesting that the quirks and sayings of the parents affect people to the third and fourth generation. What a responsibility.

I am still coughing but at least I have had no fever to speak of. Onward and upward!


Izzy said...

long time no comment. sorry. i am home and was in evansville yesterday. my mom and i drove past your house and i thought i would stop by but we needed to make it back to meet my nebraskan grandmother. the next couple days i will be in beautiful bismarck ND to be a groomsmen in a buddy's wedding. should be fantastic. see you post-north dakota...hopefully i don't get too scandinavianized. pray for me,


Anonymous said...

I recall looking in the mirror and realizing that I have turned into my mother. I have discovered it is not a bad thing. One day I hope my daughter thinks it is a good thing also-as she is always told how much she looks like me-go figure!

Anonymous said...

Vicki looks like our mother. I think I resemble mother's mother. My daughter Morgan resembles Vicki. and so it goes.