Saturday, October 21, 2006

Soothing Saturday

Well, I'm over my snit about the lack of attendance at the Canwegian Concert. I'm looking forward to our church bazaar. All kinds of fun home made stuff, home baked goodies and wonderful soup and sandwiches. I'm going to sit by a bench made by Norman Week which is being raffled off during the day. As a result I will get to talk to all kinds of friends and strangers about to become friends. Should be a blast.

My grandson is involved in a spell-a-thon. He's in kindergarten. The pressure! He seems to take it all with aplomb, however, so that's good. I will soon get to see him and learn about it all first hand. I am so looking forward to visiting them and getting to know a whole new set of directions to the school, the stores, the museums, the parks, the beaches, the whatevers. It'll be a blast.

I seem to be in a blast mode today. That's good. I'm over the snit!


Anonymous said...

thanks for the naomi blog. what an adventure.
here's the soup recipe called "Immune Power Soup" - I eat it a lot and I am sick this week, so go figure, but it is the best non-meat vegetable soup i've ever eaten.
Heat a bit of extra virgin olive oil, add 2 c. sliced carrot, 1 c. chopped leeks, 1 c. chopped celery, 1 c. diced onions, 4 garlic cloves, minced, 1 T. peeled minced fresh ginger. Saute for 10 min, stir frequently.
Add 1 c finely sliced mushrooms,(it says shiitake, but I use any kind I have) 1 c. chopped fresh parsley, 1/4 c chopped fresh basil, 8 c. water. Salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and then simmer for 10 minutes or longer.
Now, I found that it needed a little tomato, so I add either a can of tomatoes, or a cup of tomatoe juice, or sauce or whatever. I also put parmesan cheese on top when serving.
Here's a hint about fresh ginger. Buy and big hunk, and put it in a plastic bag and freeze it. You can peel and grate whatever you want anytime, and it keeps forever, and is much easier to peel and grate when it is frozen.

OK that's it for today. O yes, maybe the reason that more people don't comment is that they don't know that they have to go to an individual day to find the post a comment thingy. love carol

bananafish said...

Hey Mom, Thanks for the blog...I wish I could be visiting John and fam with you guys...I hope it is a lot of fun and that you get acquainted with their new digs. Miss you and love you, N