Friday, November 17, 2006

Friday Fog

I am in a fog, so I just am printing another picture that Fran can see from her apartment... or she could if she were at home in her apartment. Please notice the tennis court on the roof of the building in front of the Renting building. A bit cold now for a quick set, but what fun to watch a match. I will hope to do so some time in the future. Hopefully she will be back in Minnesota some time soon!

The ills of the world are weighing me down today. So I will busy myself with painting, I think. Usually if I am depressed I cannot paint, but today seems to be ok. My mind is filled with the tragedies of the world. Hunger.. which it seems we no longer call by that name in the US.. but low food security. How can we possibly make language less forceful? We keep on trying. By our mad dash to make everything politically correct we reduce language to non language.

I just wanted to say hi. Hope you are having a good day. All of these no sun days get to me. Yes, I do have Seasonal Affective Disorder. I need light. Sun, where are you? Maybe tomorrow. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

Hey Vicki!

No I am not thee SUN but I bring a cheery message!!!!

Your picture of the tennis court on top of the building was interesting!!!

I went to the Faith at Work luncheon with Tim today and you should have heard the speaker!!!! WHAT AN INCREDIBLE TESTIMONY!!!!!!

He was a Hockey player.

I hope you have success painting and don't forget to have me tell you about an idea for a painting.

Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

just think of your friends as your rays of sunshine! We are always smiling when we think of you!

Anonymous said...

hello vicki...finally found the paper with your blog glad i did as i love your blog. clicked onto naomi's site and what great pictures...what a great experience they are having. happy belated b-day to george. loved visiting with him and naomi on bob's boat this summer. what a time naomi had with her tooth. she's such a trooper. will close for now.take barb..