This one is for Izzy who likes things attached to dogs. I had trouble distinguishing it (In my old age I must be getting somewhat blind) but then realized that, Yes! This was my "grand dog" in his magnificent cone collar. I think he is sufficiently restored to health not to need this accoutrement anymore. How about those eyes!
I'm slowly becoming acclimated to this new computer with its different ways, but I must say I am desperately slow at understanding the language this outfit speaks. I still am staring at gobbledeegook at the top of this posting (I have faith it will turn into the proper picture when I publish). Hmmmmm.
Slow progress on the cleaning of my room. I am finding things I had completely forgotten I possess as well as unearthing things that have been lost for quite awhile. I bought a beautiful maroon leather purse in Paris. It is particularly wonderful for traveling as it rests comfortably on your front so that you have control of documents, etc. I found it difficult to wear for everyday because of the difficulty of using seatbelts. I had hunted the house over for it with no success, but, voila, there it was, hanging on a wooden peg, hidden by some other things.
More than a few things are still missing and I wonder if they are indeed gone or if I will find them at some future date hiding in an unlikely spot. Ah, the mystery of life! A rainy, windy life today. One nice thing about Minnesota weather is that it is infinitely changeable. If you don't like today, just wait for tomorrow.
Take care.
awesome picture!
do you have anymore? i'm telling you, there is nothing cuter than adorable animals wearing strange things.
p.s. i just remembered that i changed my profile picture to that crazy horse head of mine. fitting.
Are you implying that you are an adorable animal wearing a strange thing? Well, now. Hmmmmm. Ok.
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