Friday, May 18, 2007

The ongoing saga...

OK. I just got back from the emergency ward. I had to have hydration and something for nausea. I felt terrible and couldn't keep anything down. The wonderful people there pumped me with liquid and drew blood and finally sent me on my way feeling much better. I am going to go to sleep now so I can get up and travel to Mpls. to a doctor's appointment there. This is getting ridiculous. I must say, though, that I love lying on the gurney and letting others take care of me. So far they have all been great.

See ya later. Take care.


Anonymous said...

I can just see you on that gurney! And how you let others take care of you! It REALLY is a blessing to be able to "let others take care of you". There are some people who have a hard time with that.

I will be praying for you and the doctors today!

Anonymous said...

I will keeping you in my thoughts! Have a safe journey there and back.