Thursday, May 10, 2007


Well. Today is a fun day. The temperature is soaring toward 90, I made it to the gym and managed a haircut, and here I am back at the old machine. Fun day.

I have spent an inordinate amount of time the last two days attempting to print up business cards. I'm sure I have all of the capacity at my fingertips, but I continue to shout "uncle" and go back to a simple black and white type on a plain white card. It has the necessary info, but none of the flash an artist should manage to put on a card representing her magnificent artistry.

AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH. Every place I go assures me that it is as simple as one, two, three and then fails to perform as promised. I would do the ARGH again, but it seems an unnecessary repetition.

The people at the gym are now calling me "old bunny butt" in honor of the picture on my last posting. There are worse appelations that I can think of. We are really trying to find out where Izzy got his horse's head as it seems amazingly similar to the head that Barb put on our horsey in my honor. It would seemingly have to be hollow so that Izzy could put it on his head. I suppose it could just be the magic of computer graphics and not a real deal at all. Please inform, Izzy.

I think it's time for a nap. Karen W is trying to get me into the present century by setting my phone to be an alarm to remind me to take my medication. I'll probably faint when it goes off. I am not good about remembering things at present. Who am I trying to fool with the "at present?" Hopefully the alarm will help. The first scheduled time is 10 tonight. I'll let you know my reaction to the alarm. Now for the nap. Take care.


Anonymous said...

Vicki, Thanks for coming to the gym. And your haircut turned out great!!

Hope your business cards turn out ~ I know how frustrating that can be.

Izzy said...

you can pick up a horse head at any Japanese novelty shop. you know the type...the ones with license plates on the walls, more scents of air fresheners than ever fathomed, and head-shaking toilet humor around every corner. oh, don't forget the zippos.

this particular horse head happens to be enid's. she likes to wear it for special occasions, like weddings and driving.

Anonymous said...

Who is Izzy? I think I want her to be my friend.
Even tho Vicki will forever be my best friend, Izzy sound cool too.
Vicki - do you REALLY think MN winters are so terrible? I thought we had agreed that we looove winter. Now you are reneging?????

Anonymous said...

I failed to sign my comment. I am Carol, Vicki's BEST FRIEND.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Carol, Izzy is not a girl, he is the author of one of my links... the one marked 'Izzy" .. Go figure. Check it out and read his bio to figure out who he is. Even though he is one of my staunchest blog friends, our real life friendship has yet to really begin. Maybe if we ever live near enough to ever say "hi" we will get acquainted. Electronic friends are still a mystery to us. We are intimately related, yet hardly know each other. hmmmmm? I feel a blog coming on.

Anonymous said...

Well with a name like Izzy how can you be sure he is a boy blogger and not a girl blogger? Could be Isabel.

Izzy said...

i am a boy/male/man/stallion. trust me.