Wednesday, May 23, 2007

hello again

I am very pleased to tell you that I finally feel as though I have my brain back. I evidently have become accustomed to the medication I have been taken and I'm able to think. Some of you might doubt that, but then again, I'm back to the level to which I can aspire!

The internet failed and I had enough brain power to call the help desk, follow their directions and get it back working. Not very long ago I would have been unable to put those thoughts into action. I would not have had either the clarity or the stamina to do so. I felt elated to be back thinking again. I am going to taper off the medication I am on to another one, and I hope that won't have the adverse effect the first one had. We'll have to wait to see.

I have a whole new appreciation for those who are saddled with nausea from chemo therapy. It is a miserable state. It consumes the whole person and all of his mind and body. I hated it. I can only imagine how it must feel, not only to be nauseated but to be fighting a life-threatening disease to boot. Not a happy picture. If marijuana would help them, and they are in a terminal condition, for pity sakes, why not? I suppose if they have an opportunity to survive, it would be better if they were not then saddled with a drug addiction... but older people? Wow. Help them out is my motto. If I were in that condition I would move immediately to some place where medical marijuana was legal. In a heart beat... for as many beats as I had left. Nausea is awful.

Here it is after midnight and I am feeling chipper and able to look at food without contemplating barfing. Wahoo. Life is good! Take care.


Anonymous said...

This is such good news. You have had a bad patch. Get out a bit and enjoy the summer . I find my walks help clear the air. Love, Fran.

Izzy said...

i am happy to hear that you are feeling better! as my mom always says, drink lots of clear fluids and think positively. i am a firm believer in mental health dictating my physical health. sometimes, i can think my way out of a flu or a cold. you know? no doubt you are dealing with something a little more serious than a cold, but thinking positively can't hurt. keep truckin' (and kickin')!

Kelly Glennon said...

Hey there fellow art friend, I'm glad you're feeling much better. I am a little familiar with what you're talking about... I spent time with my little cousin who was undergoing chemo at 14 years old. He was as nautious as can be and ended up in intensive care due to dehydration from all the vomiting. He kicked cancer though (knock on wood) and had the help of marijuana in the meantime. I'm glad you're kickin' the sickness away too. Take care!