Monday, March 13, 2006

The Green Hornet?

I couldn't resist sharing this picture with you today. It has nothing whatsoever to do with what I wanted to say, but I just love this picture. It's my grandson Matt, of course.

So.. the die is cast. (Where did that expression come from, do you suppose? I don't have one of those books that tell you the source of all of our idioms, but MY idea is that the die is one of a pair of dice, and once it is thrown, you have the result. Nothing more to be done about it. ) Anyway, I am going to take the belly dancing class. I know you all will be awaiting with bated breath (another of those mysterious idiomatic sayings) for a report of this experience, so I will keep you posted.

On a more somber note, a dear friend, Irene Baldwin, has died. As I grow old, more and more of my dear friends are dieing. Irene had suffered from either dementia or alzheimers for some time and didn't know anyone, so - as they say - it's a blessing that she has been released and gone home to heaven. She had an extraordinary musical ability which she used to its best advantage for many years teaching school and in the church. And she also had a wonderfully acerbic wit. She would tell it like it is, and you always knew where you stood with her. If she didn't like something she didn't hesitate to let you know. The reverse was also true. If she liked something she didn't hesitate to give positive feedback. I miss those days of comaradarie that we had. I imagine her up in heaven setting the angelic choirs in their ranks and insisting they sing the right notes. And, for pity sakes, sit up straight.

It is very much colder today. We haven't had snow, but it looks as though they are getting a lot in other parts of the state. Stay warm!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My nephew is ADORABLE! If I do say so myself!