Saturday, March 11, 2006

Slushy Saturday

A gray day with water, slush and snow out the window. Ugh. However, rather soon they are predicting that we will have significant snow with colder temperatures. We'll have to wait to see what transpires!

Several of my friends may concescend to leave a comment on this blog so I will feel less like a person writing for my own enjoyment alone. I called Naomi and she said just to check "other" and then put your name or initials. You can do anonymous if you choose, but that is only for rank cowards. growl growl. Of course, I know that no friend of mine is a rank coward. Maybe a coward, but not rank. Right.

I am still contemplating the belly dancing deal and have ALMOST (get that almost, Karen?) decided to do it. I will have made up my mind by Monday.

Tuesday is my Book Club. We are discussing "A Passionate Man" by Joanna Trollope. If any startling insights are revealed by the group, I will pass them on. She is a great author. I was intrigued and full of questions after the reading. I will let you know our wonderful wisdom later.

Then in the afternoon a group is getting together in Evansville to work on a book we are going to put out on the occasion this July of the 125th anniversary of the founding of our fair city. A group has already been hard at work for some time and they have asked me to lend a hand as the accomplished writer that I am. Right.

Well. Off to the drudgery of a sludgery day. I hate gray days. vicki

1 comment:

Izzy said...


i am hooked--i check your blog every day during the morning sensei meeting at my school. i love your humor, energy, and insights. keep it up.

on a different sure to post something about the 125th party for evansville. i will be here. shoot, i really want to go to my 5 year class reunion! so i think you should go in my stead.

ok, keep it up. and remember you have a fan halfway around the world (i love the internet).
