Sunday, March 19, 2006

More books

Alright. I'm on a roll. How about "The Life of Pi" by Yann Martel. Or "A Fine Balance" by Rohinton Mistry? Both with a tie to India. Both absolutely fascinating. "The Children of Sanchez" by Oscar Lewis about Mexico.

I have another book in mind that I cannot find and don't remember exactly about Japan. I will ask around until I get the particulars.

I am indulging in one of the most wonderful vacations in my life: re-reading an old favorite. I am reading "The Bee Keeper's Apprentice" by Laurie R. King for about the fifth time. One of her other books which was written later, "O Jerusalem," is about a pause in this book, so now I am reading that in its "proper place." I am feeling so lucky to have these old friends to read. They are still as fascinating as ever. I suppose of all "my" writers, she is my favorite.

Well.. off to my delicious self indulgence. I have a sore throat and a head cold, but who cares? I can READ. Have a great day.

1 comment:

Izzy said...

as soon as i find a copy, i am going to dive into "life of pi." also, the book about mexico sounds interesting. there is so much that needs to be done: finish my japanese textbook, update my blog, work, read, workout, AND find time to sleep. i love being busy, just as long as i finish all the things that need to be finished, and often times my reading is the first thing to go when i am busy. thanks for all the book suggestions,
