Monday, March 20, 2006

Still more books....

Another one with ties to Japan: "The Samurai's Garden" by Gail Tsukiyama. Then there's "The Secret Life of Bees" by Sue Monk Kidd and "The Green Knight" by Iris Murdoch. Etc, etc. The last one is a fantastic literary creation.

Well, I am still at home with coughing fits and a head cold. I am not getting appreciably worse or better, so I will continue with my self medication: Plenty of liquids and READING. The bugs that are swirling around the area are daunting, so I feel the better part of virtue is to indulge myself by just staying home. Cof Cof Cof Cof.. ad infinitum.


Anonymous said...

Don't believe her. . . she is just trying to get out of exercise!

Remember your blog site Vicki? "Still Kickin'

YourFavorite ____

AlyssC01 said...

Sorry to hear about this ma'am!! I found your blog through LRK's. :) I like reading your posts and though I'd visit. Hope you get well soon!!